We were sheltered somewhat from the heat of the days under the beautiful mount Roland. Such a restful location that brought competitors and on lookers together. Great involvement in the young people’s handy stock horse skill events. The twilight barrel races were greatly supported. The Saturday night fun games were a highlight for the children also. So good to see families getting involved and having a great time. We are grateful to our sponsors for their support, it would not have happened without them. A huge thank you to Alex Wadley and Zac Weeks for joining us.
Poetry in the cool of the evening with drinks in hand, music drifting against the cliffs, horse hoof beats also keeping time.
A great weekend. Looking forward to new things moving forward and increased support from our locals. It is such a great time for families and those who have a passion for the history of Tasmania that comes from the high-country. This is a long-standing event that should not be missed.